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Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Genographic Project

If we were to ask one another what our race was the answer would normally be a list of countries from around the world. We would never think we all derived from African ancestrys that make us all related. The National Geographic Society and IBM are recently working on a 5-year project that would support their theory of a diverse world with only one root, that one root being our African ancestors.

This Genographic Project, intended to explain all the mysteries and answer questions that puzzle our minds, will take us on a journey to our very own beginnings. Based on fossil records, the human race is known to have begun in Africa yet nobody quite knows our historical adventure that brought us to the far depths of Earth. The key to the success of this project is our very own human DNAs that would allow genetists to go through our human timeline and trace our common evolution. However, because our world seems to be fond of mixing populations more than ever, it is a necessity for these genetists to collect genetic samples from what is left of the population of aboriginals and traditional peoples in our world, whom have isolated DNAs. It is vital that the genetic samples they collect are isolated and away from the vanishing distinct information of each culture because the statistics they would obtain wouldn't be very accurate. This false information wouldn't be able to breakdown the genetic tree into our society's diverse branches.

A revolutionary project such as this can be made possible with the use of machines and mechanisms capable of proccessing blood samples which are later on taken to one of the many regional centres established around the world. Each DNA collected to put the mankind puzzle together are analyzed and the resulting information accumulated from the samples are stored in the database.

As our DNAs are binded together all further curiosity and mystery behind our genetic footsteps to our present day lives will be answered. Our society would be in the midst of a genius discovery that would help bring if not anything else peace and better understanding amongst all people. This project would finally prove that there is only one race, the human race. We can no longer discriminate one another based on our ethnicities for this project would only show that by doing so we would be discriminating ourselves for we are all, in reality, from the same ethnic background. Also, in addition to this new idea of everyone coming from the same root, such a project would hopefully raise an even larger voluntary interest from our peers to work towards finding even more information and new discoveries on our own people, drawing no line limiting our findings.

The Genographic project is without a doubt one that explores the long history of mankind very thoroughly. With this project, questions from many years or decades or centuries ago can be erased from our minds because this allows us to keep track of our migrations from Africa all the way to many other continents of this world. With this, the historical timeline of humans are no longer out of our reach.


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